Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tur’an.

1. Tur’an is a village 4.3 miles north of Nazareth. About 15,000 people live there, mostly Israeli Arabs. There is an evangelical church in Tur’an. Pray for the Lord to bless them in a manner corresponding to their faithfulness to His Word.
2. Although not planned, the photo featured yesterday was located on Islam Avenue, almost the same name as Islam Street, where the photo today is located. (Of course, the two places are on two separate continents.) Pray today for a devoted Muslim family in Tur’an to come to Christ this year.
3. The street curbs of Tur’an are painted in alternating red and white, similar to a candy cane. Pray for someone using public transportation today to believe in the facts that the story of the candy cane illustrates.
Psalm 96:11