Mwadingusha, Democratic Republic of the Congo

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mwadingusha.

  1. Though likely not a baptismal photo, the above picture makes one think of that ordinance. Pray for a new believer in Mwadingusha to understand baptism, and follow the Lord in that act of obedience / public testimony.
  2. Near the town is Lake Tshangalele, which harnesses hydroelectricity to smelt copper in Likasi. The lake also supports 2,000 fishermen (wikipedia). Pray for workers deriving their livelihood from both occupations to have changed lives, as described in John 10:10.
  3. Pray for patients with heart conditions at the Hospital of Mwadingusha to know the care of the Great Physician.

Psalm 102:25-28

This post was originally published on February 15, 2022.
