Mansfield, USA

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mansfield.

Photo taken by MBH.

1. This corner was one of Laura Ingalls Wilder’s favorite spots in her home. She called it the “living picture windows,” because the scenery outside was always changing. Her husband Almanzo built the center table from a cypress tree. There are more than 30,000 visitors annually to the Wilders’ farm in Mansfield, Missouri. Pray that one of today’s guests will see something that the Holy Spirit uses to draw him/her to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ.

2. Laura made the following statement, which is posted in the museum: “The responsibility for starting the child on the right way is the parents – it cannot be delegated to the schools or the state, for the little feet start on life’s journey from the home.” Pray for parents across our land to wholeheartedly embrace and act on this truth.

3. Laura also said, “The Little House books are stories of long ago. Today our way of living and our schools are much different; so many things have made living and learning easier. But the real things haven’t changed. It is still best to be honest and truthful, to make the most of what we have, to be happy with simple pleasures, and have courage when things go wrong…” Pray for Christians in 2023 to let God make these “real things” characteristic of their lives.

Psalm 96:7
