Saturday Morning Recap

Psalm 113:3

From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’s name is to be praised.

1. Mikkeli, Finland: Pray that if the people we prayed for earlier at the fast food restaurant haven’t accepted Jesus yet, that they would very soon.

2. Special Request Updates:

➡️ Thank the Lord for three new people who joined the TGP team this week!

➡️ Malachi (young MK in Brazil with E.coli): He is off all life support and dialysis, praise God! There will be months of recovery ahead as he works to overcome heart and kidney damage, but his ultimate prognosis is very good. Afternoon Update: He was released from the hospital and is at home!

➡️ Urgent medical needs for a faithful worker: After making it back home, surgery was deemed necessary and was successful!

➡️ Michael from Walmart: This is a new request for an unsaved worker going through a difficult time in life. A TGP team member was able to share with Michael what his name means (see yesterday’s post), as an encouragement that the Lord is the best One to help in hard times. Pray that God will put other believers in Michael’s life to further explain the gospel to him, and pray for him to receive Christ.

3. Your Choice:

Pray for at least one request that you remember from any of the other cities featured this week:

Mumbai, India

Nusa Tupe, Solomon Islands

Thimphu, Bhutan

Kigali, Rwanda

Thank you for praying!
