Saturday Morning Recap

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed…” Psalm 46:1-2

1.   Bremen, Germany: Pray for someone who recently read the story “Bremen Town Musicians” to trust in the God Who made us with the ability to create and enjoy humor.

2.   Turkey – Syria Earthquakes: Pray for any survivors still remaining trapped in the rubble to be rescued today.

3.  The preacher’s son*: Last Sunday morning, a preacher in the area that would soon be devastated by earthquakes preached on the doctrine of the resurrection. Less than a day later, he was with Jesus, the Resurrection and the Life. His wife soon joined him in heaven due to injuries received in the quake. Pray for their young son, now facing life without his parents, to continually know that his heavenly Father will carry him through this valley.

Thank you for praying!

*This prayer request is originally from an ABWE email.
