Turkey – Syria Earthquake

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, even though the earth be removed…Psalm 46:1-2

Image source: https://www.wsj.com/livecoverage/turkeyearthquake

As Turkey and Syria are left reeling from the devastating February 6, 2023, 7.8 earthquake and severe aftershocks, let us pray frequently and fervently for the following areas:

Salvation: Pray that the Savior will use this tragedy to draw many people to Himself. Pray for anyone who has previously been exposed to His truth to remember that witness, believe it, and call out to the Lord in genuine repentance. Pray for Christians to shine their Father’s light in a very dark night.

Rescue: Pray for as many people as possible to be rescued. Pray for wisdom and stamina for rescue workers. Pray for the Lord to grant warmer temperatures and clear weather to facilitate efforts. Pray for hope for those who desperately await rescue.

Needs: Pray for the provision of physical (food, water, shelter), medical, emotional, and spiritual needs that millions of displaced people are and will be facing. Pray for the most vulnerable – the elderly, children, the disabled – to have compassionate caregivers during this traumatic time.
