Haifa, Israel

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Haifa.

1. Pictured above is the Sammy Ofer Stadium. Pray that a player from one of the next soccer teams to compete here will come to know Jesus Christ as his personal Savior. Pray that he will then faithfully run the spiritual race set before him, knowing that among the cloud of witnesses is Jesus Himself.

2. It has been jokingly said that the crane (the mechanical kind) is the national bird of Israel, because of how many there are constructing new buildings. Sure enough, a yellow crane can be seen in the top right of this picture. Pray for a crane operator in Haifa to meet a genuine believer who will be a consistent picture of the difference that Jesus the Messiah makes in a person’s life.

3. The Mediterranean Sea is in the background of this picture. Pray that a college student who enjoys walking in the surf at sunset will follow the Spirit’s pull in her heart to yearn to know the Father and Son.

Matthew 9:36-38
