July – December 2022 Overview

Have you ever wondered how cities are selected for TGP? Usually, rotating alphabetically through the continents provides the starting point for finding the city of the day. This pattern ensures that places from around the world will be prayed for routinely. Sometimes, cities are chosen based on current events, such as a natural disaster or political calamity. This provides a way to make a difference in places and times where people often acutely realize their need for God’s presence and intervention.

For the remainder of 2022, each month will feature a specific pattern that connects the daily cities. The first post of the month will explain that month’s theme.

July: Prayer for Cities in Countries with Restricted Religious Freedoms

Hebrews 13:3 – “Remember the prisoners as if chained with them – those who are mistreated – since you yourselves are in the body also.” (NKJV)

Overarching prayer requests for July’s cities:

  1. Thank God that His Word is never bound (2 Timothy 2:9), and ask Him to make copies of it readily available in these cities.
  2. Pray for encouragement, endurance, and effective ministry for Christians living in very difficult places.
  3. Pray for unbelievers to hear and understand the gospel, and have the courage to accept it.
