Kharkiv, Kyiv, and Mariupol, Ukraine

Pray for the Lord to help the Ukraine.

Note: For the next seven days, each TGP daily post will feature three Ukrainian cities/requests.

  1. The above picture is part of Freedom Square in Kharkiv, a location we specifically prayed for January 31st. Tragically, it was hit by a Russian missile yesterday, killing several civilians. Pray for Kharkiv’s search and rescue workers to know the sustaining strength of God.
  2. As Kyiv braces for attacks from Russia’s 40 mile long convoy, pray for President Zelenskyy. He has exhibited indomitable courage throughout the crisis. Pray that if he and his family don’t know Jesus, they will trust Him today.
  3. Mariupol, a city on the Azov Sea, has been under constant shelling, and is now without electricity. Pray for the Lord to be glorified even in the dark, and to protect His children.

Ecclesiasties 3:14
