Tonga Revisited

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Tonga.

On October 21, 2021, we prayed for Niutoua, a village on the main island of the nation of Tonga. On January 14, 2022, a volcano on an uninhabited Tonga island erupted, exploding it into disappearance, covering the rest of Tonga’s islands in ash, and causing a tsunami and a sonic boom that circled the earth twice (national The above picture (from USA Today) shows the result of ash that blanketed Niutoua.

  1. Pray that anyone who received Christ as a result of our prayers on October 21, 2021, will read and be comforted by the truth of Psalm 46:1-3.
  2. Drinking water is at the top of the list on aid distribution. Pray for the Lord to facilitate efficiency in meeting needs for both the physical and spiritual Water of Life.
  3. Pray for the Comforter to use this natural disaster to draw hearts to Himself. Pray that any international aid workers who are Christians will have / step through open doors for fruitful gospel conversations.

Psalm 46
