Casey Station, Antarctica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Casey.

  1. Pray that today the Holy Spirit will remind Australian scientists in Casey of any Scripture they have previously heard, and that they will respond to it appropriately.
  2. Near Casey, a giant canyon was just discovered under Vanderford Glacier by scientists taking echo measurements from the ship Nuyina. Pray for this discovery to bring glory to God.
  3. Casey is one of four permanent Australian stations in Antarctica. Summer in Antarctica will end in February, and most people will return home, reducing the total Australian population from 500 to 80. Pray for those nearing the end of their stay to acknowledge the eternal power and divine nature of the Creator, as revealed in nature around them (Rom. 1:20). Pray that general revelation will point them to special revelation (the Bible).

1 Peter 5:7
