Jicalapa, El Salvador

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Jicalapa.

  1. This photo is interesting, because zooming in to the sidewalk-inscribed compass rose near the top center, and comparing that with Google Earth’s compass in the lower right corner, reveals that the concrete-inlaid compass rose does not align with the actual cardinal directions. Pray for someone living in Jicalapa who has a form of Godliness, but whose life evidences a void of God’s actual power, to change that today.
  2. El Salvador means “the Savior.” Pray for the Savior’s message to be proclaimed and received in Jicalapa.
  3. Pray for anyone wearing a pearl necklace in Jicalapa today to realize how valuable she is to the Lord, and to love Him in return.

John 14:1-6
