Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Nauru.

- Nauru is one of the world’s smallest countries, at about 8 square miles with a population of 11,000. Phosphate exports provide most of the country’s income. In 1980, Nauru was considered the world’s wealthiest country, but today is one of the 5 poorest nations ( Pray for the Lord to provide basic physical and spiritual necessities for its people.
- Nauru has a small civilian police force, but no national military. (Australia has an informal agreement to defend them.) Pray for police officers on duty today in Orro (in the southwest corner of the island) to hear about the love of Christ.
- Today’s weather forecast for Orro is 81° F, with breezy winds from the northeast. Pray for the Spirit of God to blow across the hearts of people in Orro, drawing them to the Son.
Luke 1:37