Mawson, Antarctica

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Mawson.

  1. There are currently 120 people living at Mawson Station, where it is summer. Pray for them to take actions spiritually parallel with the traffic light colored buildings above: yellow (slow down mentally to consider Who God is and what His claims are on their lives), red (stop trusting anything but Jesus for meaning / purpose in life), and green (go forward in His life and strength.)
  2. Mawson is part of the Australian Antarctic Division. Pray for the leaders in Australia to meet Godly Christians who point the way to Jesus by their words / actions.
  3. Only 18 people will live in Mawson once winter begins. Pray for those making preparations to arrive in a few months, that they may bring in their hearts the Friend Who sticks closer than a brother.

Romans 15:13
