250th City! Caracas, Venezuela

Today marks the 250th city we have prayed for since Targeted Global Prayer began. How exciting to join together in specific prayer for the advancement of the Kingdom of God! Thank you to each person who prays for the cities of the world; Lord willing, there will be more people around our Father’s throne because of those prayers.

  1. This picture immediately brings to mind Matthew 9:36-38, a beautiful passage illustrating the compassion of Christ. Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Caracas, that many of those 2 million+ individuals may find rest in His compassion.
  2. Pray for any Quechuan people who live in Caracas to hear the gospel in their mother tongue.
  3. Pray for righteousness and justice to flourish, and evil plans to be brought to nothing.

Ephesians 3:14-19

P.S. There are around 25 people who pray daily with TGP. Please pray for that number to double before we reach the one year milestone. Then, invite someone to join us. Together, we can make a difference for Jesus!
