Grahovo, Montenegro

Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Grahovo.

  1. The above memorial is a tribute to townspeople who overturned German control of their town in 1941. Leading up the hill to it are 272 steps, each bearing the name of a person who gave his life to ensure freedom for Grahovo. Pray for that kind of courage to find resonance in the souls of today’s generation.
  2. In 1979, two years after the above memorial was built, an earthquake destroyed much of Grahovo, causing the gradual decline of the town. In 2013, the population was 3,091. Pray that between now and Christmas, the Lord will knock on the heart door of every person there, inviting them to know/fellowship with Him.
  3. Pray for the rugged beauty of the mountains to inspire awe of God’s majesty in hikers’ hearts.

1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
