Addendum to Jackson, USA Post

On August 10, 2021, we prayed for Jackson, Mississippi. One of the requests was: “Pray for city residents who currently have covid-19 and are not Christians to accept Jesus’ pardon.” Humanly speaking, this was a random prayer request to mention. No stats were known. However, tonight I read an update from Samaritan’s Purse stating that they “are rushing an Emergency Field Hospital to Jackson, Mississippi, after a staggering surge in covid-19 cases.” Perhaps only eternity will show the difference made by all of our prayers just a few days ago. It is an amazing privilege to be on God’s team, and a humbling experience to see Him working to cause us to pray about very real needs.

At the top of every day’s post is a request Jesus said to pray: for the Lord of the harvest to send (literally, thrust out) workers into His harvestfield. The Samaritan’s Purse team on the way to Jackson is an answer to that prayer.

Let us pray again today for Jackson, Mississippi, and for those closest to eternity to make their peace with God. Let us pray for protection and effective ministry for Christian workers there. And, thank you for praying!!!

For more information, go to:

Acts 1:7-8
