“From the rising of the sun unto the going down of the same the LORD’s name is to be praised.” Psalm 113:3

  • Balangir, India

    Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Balangir.

    1. Pray for the police officers who use the above motorcycles to hear about Jesus Christ, and yield to the Spirit’s work in their hearts.
    2. Balangir covers more than 2,500 square miles. Pray that three nationals will soon put saving-faith in Christ.
    3. Pray that someone in Balangir who is wearing linen today will trust Christ, and one day wear white linen in heaven.

    Psalm 46

    This post was originally published on September 30, 2021.

  • Richmond Rd., between Hasbrouck Rd. & Old Town Rd.

    Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of NYC.

    Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
    1. Our virtual prayer walk brings us by this house today. The residents are religious, as evidenced by their yard statue. Interestingly, the statue above is very similar to a large roadside statue in Paradera, Aruba, pictured on TGP’s post for June 18, 2024. Pray for the people who live in this house to have a real relationship with the Lord, depending only on Christ’s finished work as the basis for salvation.
    2. Pray for a worker at Honda of Staten Island to likewise be saved.
    3. Pray for the Lord to bless the efforts of all His children in the pictured map area who are seeking to serve Him today.

    Romans 10:12-13

  • Richmond Rd, between Roosevelt St. & Baltic Ave. (NYC)

    Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of New York City.

    Photo from the Conqueror Virtual Challenges app
    1. Pray for the mail carrier who will be delivering mail to this mailbox today, that he would decide to read the greatest collection of letters and books ever delivered to a person – the Word of God.
    2. The weather forecast in NYC this week has mostly below freezing temperatures. Pray for someone in the city who has long been cold-hearted toward God to repent before it is too late.
    3. Richmond Road (which we are walking along) traverses about half the length of Staten Island. Pray for a Christian who lives on Richmond Rd. to lay up treasure in heaven today.

    Romans 10:12-13

  • Sunday Series: South American Church Musicians

    1.   From heaven to the Old Testament to the New Testament to today, music has been an integral part of the worship of our great God. Pray for church musicians in all 12 South American countries (and also France’s overseas territory) to be filled with the Spirit as they minister to the Lord and edify believers through their voices and instruments.

    2.   Pray for a Brazilian church guitar player who has been going through hard times to have the comfort of a song from the Lord in his heart today.

    3.   Pray for children who love singing about Jesus to always stay that way, worshipping their Father in spirit and in truth.

    Psalm 122:1

    This post was originally published on March 3, 2024.

  • Saturday Morning Recap

    Romans 11:36

    For of Him and through Him and to Him are all things, to Whom be glory forever. Amen.

    1. Arequipa, Peru: pray for the salvation of an ice cream roadside vendor.
    2. New Orleans (USA) and Cetinje (Montenegro): Pray for individuals who were injured in but survived the attacks on New Year’s Day to contemplate their eternal standing before God, and hear / believe the gospel.
    3. Your Choice: Please pray for a request you remember from the other cities featured this week:

    Kang, Botswana

    Thumako Danda, Nepal

    Gizo, Solomon Islands

    Thank you for praying!

  • Gizo, Solomon Islands

    Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Gizo.

    1. Pray for students at the high school above to catch a glimpse of God’s plan for their lives, and pursue it.
    2. Gizo is the second largest town of the Solomon Islands, with a population of 7,200. Pray that before this year is over God will send a gospel witness to every home.
    3. Pray for Christians in Gizo to wear the armor of God as they go about their daily lives.

    Matthew 22:37-40

    This post was originally published on August 11, 2021.

  • New Orleans (USA) & Cetinje (Montenegro)

    Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfields of New Orleans and Cetinje.

    1. Pray for the families of the people who lost their lives in yesterday’s truck attack in New Orleans and shooting rampage in Cetinje.
    2. Pray for individuals who were injured in but survived the attacks to contemplate their eternal standing before God, and hear / believe the gospel.
    3. Pray for a monk at the pictured monastery in Cetinje to realize and accept the fact that justification is by faith in Christ’s finished work alone.

    Rom. 11:36

  • Happy New Year!

    Thank you to each member of our TGP team for every petition you have brought to the Father’s throne for His Son to be known to the peoples of the world.

    As we begin 2025, let us take today’s TGP prayer time as an opportunity to express gratitude to our great Lord for all He has done in our lives, and in the lives of those who have come to know Him in connection to our prayer ministry. The following is a link to help jumpstart that prayer of gratitude:

  • Thumako Danda, Nepal
    1. In 1991, this city was reported to have 4,301 residents living in 857 households (source: Wikipedia). Pray that at least once in 2021, some kind of true gospel witness will penetrate every home in Thumako Danda, Nepal.
    2. Pray for nationals and tourists who attempt to climb the Himalayas to meet and accept the Rock of Ages.
    3. Pray for those who are seeking to bring a sense of peace to their souls through practicing yoga to instead hear about and turn to the Prince of Peace for tranquility.

    John 8:32

    This post was originally published on April 26, 2021.
  • Kang, Botswana

    Pray for the Lord to send out workers to the harvestfield of Kang.

    1.   Pray for a truck driver on the Trans-Kalahari Highway who has long resisted the Spirit’s conviction in his heart to truly repent and receive salvation.

    2.   Geographically, Kang is in the Kalahari Desert. Pray for a Biblical church to be started and flourish in this village of 6,000 people that is also a spiritual desert.

    3.   Pray for the Lord to put opportunities for further discipleship and encouragement in the lives of any Christians who will be at the Kang Meat Market today.

    Psalm 96:9

    This post was originally published on June 16, 2023.
